Homemade chalk board paint!
I dont know about the rest of you but I have always thought that chalk board paint was awesome.... but.... I was NOT going to spend $20 on a little can of it. So after doing some research I found an AWESOME recipe with the paint, grout and brushes I spent a total of $5.60 YES you herd me right $5.60!! I wanted to test it out before I did any big projects so what I did was grabbed a old cookie sheet that I wasn't going to miss and I mixed up the ingredients, this was so easy and would be fun for kids to do. especially if you had them help you paint your wall or what ever. The possibilities are endless!
2 T- White dry non-sanded grout (the smallest that I found was 1 lb and I paid $2.69)
1/4 cup and about 2T- of acrylic paint. ANY COLOR! (I bought the 2 fl oz bottles I used a whole one and 1/4 of the second. I paid $1.14 for both bottles)
a sponge brush ($.99 for a pack of 4)
Put the grout in a mixing dish (I used a old measuring cup) and then added the paint, mix well with a mixing stick or i used a plastic knife and i thought it worked just as good. Mix for a couple minutes making sure there are no lumps in the mixture left. then paint the item or wall that you want. You will have to do 2 or 3 coats (how ever many you think is necessary)
Once it is all dry you will have to prop the surface by rubbing a piece of chalk across the whole board. I suggest you turn it on its side and do it that way.
* please note: this batch only makes a little over a quarter cup so if you need more then that I suggest to double or quadrupedal the batch. Also: make sure that you get the WHITE DRY NON-SANDED GROUT and you will not need no more then a 1 lb container unless if you are planing to paint your whole entire house =)
If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment below